The question always comes up as to what is a normal pulse rate. Well there really is no specific answer to this question because the notion of a normal pulse rate really depends on so many factors. Some of the most important factors that play a part in determining a healthy pulse rate is age and weight. If for example you use a pulse oximeter to measure the pulse rate you will actually find that it gives you very different rates for different age groups. For example, there are some pediatric pulse oximeter devices that are made specifically for measuring the heartbeat of children. Well, it is common medical knowledge that children�s hearts beat at a much higher rate and as a result this will sometimes even seem alarming. However, because of the physiological nature of their age it is quite normal and as such there is no need for concern. On the other hand, if you use the pulse rate measuring device on an elder individual you will actually notice that their reading will be lower than most people. Again, this has to completely do with the age of the individual which has a direct effect on the readings.
Another fact that has a lot to do with the heartbeat is any specific medical conditions that the person may have. Certain health conditions directly effect the pulse and as a result they tend to give you unusual readings on even accurate measuring devices like a pulse oximeter. Such conditions as heart arrhythmia is a prime example because it can actually give you unstable readings as there is no steady beat. You may be wondering what exactly causes a pulse rate and what makes your wrist or neck seem like it is palpitating. The way that it works is that when the heart works properly it pushes oxygen rich blood throughout the body. As that blood enters the various tissues throughout the body this causes the palpitation that you may feel when you place your fingers on your neck or your wrist. If you are running and working out you will find that the intensity of the palpitations goes higher and this is because your heart is working harder to push more oxygen rich blood through your body. In the end, there really is no normal pulse rate and it really depends on several factors one of the main ones being age.